Inherits from NSObject
Declared in SLAlert.h


The SLAlert class allows access to, and control of, alerts within your application.

Alerts do not need to be handled by the tests. If they are not handled, they will be automatically dismissed (by tapping the cancel button, if the button exists, then tapping the default button, if one is identifiable).

A test may optionally specify an alternate handler for an alert, by constructing an SLAlertHandler from the SLAlert that matches that alert, and registering that handler with the SLAlertHandler class. When a matching alert appears, the handler dismisses the alert. The test then asks the handler to see if the alert was dismissed as expected.

SLAlert *alert = [SLAlert alertWithTitle:@"foo];

// dismiss an alert with title "foo", when it appears
SLAlertHandler *handler = [alert dismiss];
[SLAlertHandler addHandler:handler];

// test causes an alert with title "foo" to appear

SLAssertTrueWithTimeout([handler didHandleAlert], SLAlertHandlerDidHandleAlertDelay, @"Alert did not appear.");

Warning: If a test wishes to manually handle an alert, it must register a handler before that alert appears.

Warning: If the alert has no cancel nor default button, it will not be able to be dismissed by any handler, and the tests will hang. (If the tests are being run via the command line, Instruments will eventually time out; if the tests are being run via the GUI, the developer will need to stop the tests.)

The methods in the SLAlert (Debugging) category are to be used only to debug Subliminal tests.

The methods in the SLAlert (Subclassing) category are to be used only by subclasses of SLAlert.


Matching Alerts

  • + alertWithTitle:

    Creates and returns an alert object that matches an alert view with the specified title.

Handling Alerts

  • – dismiss

    Creates and returns a handler that dismisses a matching alert using the default handling behavior.

  • – dismissWithButtonTitled:

    Creates and returns a handler that dismisses a matching alert by tapping the button with the specified title.

  • – setText:ofFieldOfType:

    Creates and returns a handler that sets the text of the specified text field of a matching alert to a specified value.

Debugging Tests

Methods for Subclasses

Class Methods


Creates and returns an alert object that matches an alert view with the specified title.

+ (instancetype)alertWithTitle:(NSString *)title



The title of the alert.

Return Value

A newly created alert object.

Declared In


Instance Methods


Creates and returns a handler that dismisses a matching alert using the default handling behavior.

- (SLAlertDismissHandler *)dismiss

Return Value

A newly created handler that dismisses the corresponding alert using UIAutomation’s default procedure.


Which is to tap the cancel button, if the button exists, else tapping the default button, if one is identifiable.

Warning: If the alert has no cancel nor default button, it will not be able to be dismissed and the tests will hang. (If the tests are being run via the command line, Instruments will eventually time out; if the tests are being run via the GUI, the developer can abort.)

Declared In



Creates and returns a handler that relies on a user to dismiss an alert.

- (SLAlertDismissHandler *)dismissByUser

Return Value

A newly created handler that does not dismiss the corresponding alert, but rather relies on a live user to dismiss the alert.


Warning: Subliminal will not dismiss an alert handled by this handler. This handler thus has a use only when debugging tests.

Declared In



Creates and returns a handler that dismisses a matching alert by tapping the button with the specified title.

- (SLAlertDismissHandler *)dismissWithButtonTitled:(NSString *)buttonTitle



The title of the button to tap to dismiss the alert.

Return Value

A newly created handler that dismisses the corresponding alert by tapping the button with the specified title.

Declared In



Returns the body of a JS function which evaluates a UIAAlert to see if it matches the receiver.

- (NSString *)isEqualToUIAAlertPredicate

Return Value

The body of a JS function which evaluates a UIAAlert “alert” to see if it matches a particular SLAlert.


The JS function will take one argument, “alert” (a UIAAlert), as argument, and should return true if alert is equivalent to the receiver, false otherwise. This method should return the body of that function: one or more statements, with no function closure.

The default implementation simply compares the titles of the receiving SLAlert and provided UIAAlert.

Declared In



Creates and returns a handler that sets the text of the specified text field of a matching alert to a specified value.

- (SLAlertHandler *)setText:(NSString *)text ofFieldOfType:(SLAlertTextFieldType)fieldType



The text to enter into the field.


The type of text field, corresponding to the alert’s presentation style.

Return Value

A newly created handler that sets the text of the specified text field of a matching alert to a text.

Declared In
